A surprise engagement at Kauapea aka Secret Beach is always a nice change from my normal sunny south side at Shipwrecks shoot. Finding a piece of sand away from the crowds is always a little trickier on the south shore, although they do exist, compared to the vast stretch of shifting sand on the beach considered "secrets". Far from a secret but still less crowded than most due to the steep hike down and back up a slippery path, this beach offered crashing wave views, cliff and was mostly empty. It's not for everyone but it's always worth the trek down.
I hiked down and set up where Kit Furderer had communicated with the clients was the spot; thanks for all the camaraderie over the years and being the man behind the curtain on these buddy. I tried to play a wave enthusiast photographer, not hard, until the couple hit their mark, the knee was dropped, the question popped, the answer given and the moment had. Once they acknowledge someone else being around that's when I move in and have the not so secret part of the engagement shoot.
The couple was beautiful, amazing and in love. The light was crisp, golden and colorful. We hiked out in the dark and another adventure was checked in the books. The proof is below. Enjoy!